Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gomez Peer - Earn Money Running A Software

Make Money By Installing & Running Gomez Peer In Your PC!

PEER Program Overview

What is Gomez PEER?

Gomez PEER is a secure java application that runs in the background of your PC and leverages your system’s idle resources (such as unused processing power, RAM, and bandwidth) to test the performance of many of the world’s most popular websites.

How does Gomez PEER work?

By using your system’s unique characteristics, in combination with other unique systems around the world, the Gomez PEER application performs tests that measure how websites perform for their visitors. The results play a pivotal role in shaping how these websites function and improve, and because the Gomez PEER runs in the background of your system you are never required to visit specific websites or alter your normal Internet usage. As long as you are connected to the Internet the Gomez PEER will be able to perform its tests with no impact on your machine’s performance.
The Gomez PEER application does not monitor or record any of your system's web browsing activity.

How do I earn money with Gomez PEER?

Simply run the Gomez PEER application as often as possible while connected to the Internet. Active* Gomez PEERs accumulate earnings for their daily Online Time and every minute of work their system processes for the Gomez servers.

Once your account is active, monthly payments are automatically deposited into your PayPal account as long as the monthly minimum payment is reached (PEERs located in China must use the Alipay in place of PayPal). Active PEERs that do not meet the monthly minimum payment amount will have their account balances carried over to the next month's earnings.

You can also earn bonus payments for referring friends.

Important Note: You must have a PayPal account in order receive payments for running the Gomez PEER software. PayPal is currently the only method through which payouts are distributed. Additionally, you must use the same email address associated with your PayPal account when registering the Gomez PEER program to ensure proper delivery of PEER payments. (PEERs in China must use Alipay in place of PayPal)

*Please Note: Account activation depends on how well your system characteristics (connection type, location, etc) match our current testing needs. We would encourage you to be patient with the program after applying; but we cannot guarantee that you will be activated. All pending PEER accounts are reviewed for activation approximately every 2 weeks; continue to run the PEER application to remain eligible for account activation.

Sign Up Now & Start Making Money


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